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Founded officially on Christmas Eve 2017, Moon House Theatre is a company set up by young people to make devised theatre for an audience of young people and about subjects that matter to us. 


Based in the beautiful city of Bath, Moon House is run by mostly Bath Spa University students and we pride ourselves on our team of people from different courses and backgrounds with different skill sets. Check out of 'The Team' page to find out more about our key players! 



Our first venture into devised theatre was 'Baby, it's cold outside' performed in the Bath Spa University Theatre in December 2017, telling the story of a Big Issue vendor over one cold night in the run up to Christmas. Featuring live music, pigeons, and lots of props, we created a short comedy that was equally heart warming as it was heart wrenching. 


The protagonist, Mark was based on two real Big Issue vendors in Bath called Mark and Rainbow who selflessly shared their stories. They were big sources of inspiration for the piece and we couldn't have done it without them! 


The company (pictured above) featured James Aveling as Mark, Ellie Bryne, Shannon Pepper, Rachael Gorton, Kai Taylor and Lyndon Bugg as the ensemble. It was directed by Ellen Larson, with Kai Taylor as assistant director and James Aveling as musical director. The live music was performed by Larson.  

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