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We're looking for designers, performers, dramaturgs and everything inbetween. 



Interested in joining us? Email or fill in the contact form.




Ellen is our founder and creative and artistic director. 


After studying a BTEC in Musical Theatre at Stratford-upon-Avon college, Ellen gained a place at Bath Spa University to study BA (hons) Acting. While at uni Ellen worked on a short devised piece about OCD which led to her own diagnosis of the condition. Through this she learnt the incredible power theatre has to educate and inform its audiences and set up Moon House with the aims of doing exactly this. 


With Moon House Theatre, Ellen has directed and performed in Baby, It's Cold Outside, performed in The Neat Freak (Bath and Edinburgh) and written and played Alice in After Party for Sparkfest.  Other acting credits include Ensemble in The Snow Queen, Helen in All's Well That End's Well, Revolt. She Said. Revolt Again by Alice Birch and Ethel McCormack in Footloose. 


Ellen is passionate about opportunities for young people; making sure we are not all just dismissed and giving people a platform to speak out. 




charlie henderson-howat

Charlie is a fantastically talented all-rounder whose acting credits include Anne Boleyn, All's Well That End's Well, Dr Faustus and A Touch Of Danger. Her writing credits include The Neat Freak and The Forgotten Blitz and her directing credits include Alice Birch's Revolt. She Said. Revolt Again. 


After graduation from her BA (Hons) Acting from Bath Spa University, Charlie will be studying Professional Voice Practice in Birmingham. 


With a dazzling career ahead of her, we're proud and excited to have Charlie on-board to work with us on future projects. 




Charlie started working with Moon House when she wrote and directed The Neat Freak (Bath and Edinburgh) before taking on the role of Executive Producer for the company. 


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